Svensk Spädbarn -- My Swedish Blog
Not content with a Spanish blog, I have now launched a Swedish blog. In fact, I hope to revolutionize the Swedish language. The blog is entitled Svensk Spädbarn.The word spädbarn is under utilized in the Swedish language. It means baby, as in infant, but that is it. You can't say, You look hot, baby or Baby you can drive my car or Baby you melt my butter. (Du utseende het , spädbarn eller Spädbarn du kanna driva min bil eller Spädbarn du smälta min smör -- see what I mean).
I imagine I will write about ex-gay stuff there, but it will also be for fun. (kinda like my English language blog)
I'm so sorry all you readers out there that don't understand swedish. This is an amazingly fun read.
For example the peterson translation of "turning torso" (our very own turning sky scraper) means roughly "Mr Thorson, he who is a turning point".
noa, one of my goals is to freely express myself in Swedish, no matter how badly, so that no Swede would ever feel inhibited to write in English.
I am also looking for guest writers for my Swedish blog. Any takers?
*still laughing*
It must be a program of some sort. It makes wonders to the language.
Really.. It's SO funny..
*laughing even more*
Oh sweet P .. I love your swedish ..
Daniel C, do you question the Berlitz course I took in October after my visit to Sweden. They do wonders at Berlitz, add to that my creative ability with language and you have Svensk Spädbarn.
Anna HP, you inspire me to great heights of fancy and linguistics.
I would say you reinvented the Swedish language. And made it better!
I wish I could read/speak the Swedish language ::hmph:: ::shrug::
Daniel, all I can say is Tak Spädbarn.
Elliot, wait, you don't read Swedish??? It is the queer language of choice. No worries you are a smart young man, you will pick it up in no time.
This is beyond fun!
Maybe you can teach me a few words of it at TC, hmm Peterson?
Maybe you can teach me a few words of it at TC, hmm Peterson?
Maybe you can teach me a few words of it at TC, hmm Peterson?
Maybe you can teach me a few words of it at TC, hmm Peterson?
well since you asked so many times Elliot, I will teach you some Swedish at TC, I will teach you some Swedish at TC, I will teach you some Swedish at TC (I feel like I am in the opening credits of The Simpsons)
Sweden is a nice country and Swedish companies are in general very productive and environmentally conscious.
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